SURPLACE : an accrobatic (stylistic) device permettant d’être au bon endroit, au bon moment. SURPLACE, c’est aussi savoir appréhender la complexité d’un positionnement dans un espace tri-dimensionnel soumis aux lois de la gravitation et à une composante temporelle, par le biais d’actions opportunes visant à corriger le mouvement oscillatoire naturellement induit par cette situation.
SURPLACE is a non-exclusive ‘rouleur’ team based in Paris (France), that seeks to promote fixed gear culture (and more generally bicycle culture) through events and rides organised all year long.
The term non-exclusive means that we are not a closed group even if there is a core team to publish on the blog and manage events.
You need more information? Please, come meet us at one of our rides or simply send us a message. In addition, you’ll find a complete article in Steel mag. #1, available in all good fixed gear shops.
Finally, if you come to Paris with your bike during holidays, come ride with us! Our rides aren’t guided tours, but you’ll see Paris surroundings from a new angle ;-)
See you soon!